CHANEL Effect 50% OFF From $197 to only $98.50
How To Create Preeminence In Your Marketplace (So you can charge premium fees while having people chase you down to do business with you)
You will get the full 72 minute CHANEL EFFECT training...
- The 3 Specific Steps to create preeminent positioning in your marketplace
- How to create irresistible desire for your brand / business so customers flock to you
- The difference between selling High End vs Low Ticket and how to position your offer properly to get premium pricing for it
- The 1 principle EVERY high-end brand uses to create 'luxury.'
- How to climb the positioning ladder
- How to create 'instant celebrity status' in your market for instant credibility
- Secrets to Premium Pricing and so much more...
What people are saying...

KILLER training ! I appreciate everything you shared and your detailed answers. ~ Lenny Ramirez

Fantastic job! You kicked ass with the webinar and it would behoove those who didn't get to the check out this round to get in line for round 2! ~ Harry Duran

Such a natural speaker! Learned so much! Loving it! ~ Chris Mikulin